Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Boulder Opal - personal collection

found this rock during one of my craft market crawl and love the natural colors on it. Boulder opals are mined in isolated regions in Queensland
It consists of Opal occuring naturally in dark ironstone (the host rock). The Opal generally occurs
as thin, wavy veins naturally on the ironstone.
Some ironstone may be visible in the surface of the Boulder Opal when cut.
Some of the inexpensive rocks i collected from the market crawl, the thin veins can only visibly be seen from different light reflections angle. They looked very mystical when you see the bluish purplish hue....

? Pendant/Necklace - sold

crafted with 14gauge Tinned copper Artistic Wire and glass crystals
dimensions of pendant: approximate 2.5cm x 3.5cm

Price: RM30
inclusive of shipping and handling

Tinned Butterfly Pendant Necklace

crafted with 14gauge tinned copper Artistic Wire
dimensions: approximate 6cm x 6cm                                                              

Price: RM30 
inclusive of shipping and handling

Home Sweet Home!


How is everyone? I hope all is well and everybody had a good school holiday break :)

It was a great holiday for me and my family .... not because of the places that we visited and discovered but we bonded closer than ever as a family. The distance we travelled by road is about 4193km and confined in the car together for long durations has taught us to  be more tolerant of one another. 

As parents, we naturally would want to give only the best to our children, but sometimes  there are some limitations to what we can give.Travelling on a budget also opened up our eyes. To have a great holiday need not be visiting all the regular places that usually requires "entrance fee" but the unexpected places we come across during our road trip that made it very special. 
I have to pull my hat off to my kids, aisyah 16, irfan 14 and jasmin 10 for understanding greatly about travelling on a budget. That means making choices about park visits. We can not be visiting every theme park, every zoo, every wildlife parks and every attractions there are in australia. Eating choices are limited too. Some days we have light snacks and later a big home cook dinner back at the apartment to compensate for lunch! The children never complained a bit. 

Well not that they never complain about anything....plenty of the normal stuff and most of it is while on the road and after a long drive like...."hey...dont squoosh me!"  or  "you are taking too much space...move over!" ....or..."you are in the loo too long!"

Sometimes we felt that perhaps we are overdoing it a tad bit by going on such long trip but yesterday, we knew we made the right choice. 
Our son irfan wanted to eat some fishballs at a regular eatery and he suggested that we go on saturday. His dad said, not possible because on saturday irfan has to attend taekwondo. So because irfan is schooling in the afternoon session, his dad suggested breakfast the next day after sending the girls to school and this was irfan's reply,

"nah...i dont want to go without aisyah and jasmin. Its not fun without them."

well, that is what a holiday of 24/7 together for 24 days did. What normally would be to just agree and go has made him to pause a moment and thought of his siblings and to include them too.....felt so touched 

I am glad to be home. I missed everything. I am slowly building back the routine that was left 3 weeks ago and to get everything going back again. During the trip, i did not do much of wire craft. Not because of the lack of time but i just realise how bad my eyesight is without my daylight lamp. After visiting the craft and quilt show, my love for needlecraft was rekindled and i did lots of knitting! completed two scarves during the trip :)
The only wirework i did during the trip was in jindabyne and that is because i just can't stay away from some stones i collected during the trip. I collected  stones found all over australia and they are unusual ones. 
I noticed almost everywhere there will be one rack with different "healing" stones. These are common stones like rose quartz for love and passion, turquoise for protection etc etc. Either they are made into necklaces, bracelets, bag charms or just a single rock to just put in the pocket. 
I  know about the healing properties of different stones and how each stone give out different vibrations and how that vibe connect to our own needs but this is one area i prefer not to touch although i think its pretty cool if we know what each stone's healling properties are.
I was once told that, we do not choose the stone but the stone chooses us. Has anyone felt a strong attraction to one particular stone not knowing its healing properties and later found out that the healing properties actually matches with your body and soul's needs?
I never believed it till i discovered why at one time only moonstones caught my eye. Anyway to go into that detail wud be another long story and i think this rambling is long enough already!

I wrote earlier that the break would help me to think about future plans and directions and it truly did help to clear up the mind and i can see better the best path that i should take for the moment :)

This is just the beginning and the road is long and  i am not afraid of the challenge. Work hard, work smart and as the australians like to say "No Worries mate!"




Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Craft and Quilt Fair in Sydney 2010

hi everyone!

Its been awhile since i posted anything and with the cold weather, not just my fingers are numb but my brain too!...(and stiff neck)

Its really been a holiday....aka not touching my wires for the past few days :))

Today i visited the craft and quilt expo in sydney. I have never been to any craft show before and this is definitely a very good experience for me. The displays of each vendors are sooo beautiful and they obviously put in every effort to make it a good fun visit for everyone :)

Although my main interest is on wire craft but as expected, not much of this is available at the show. They do sell beads and findings....but the prices are way cheaper back the chinese glass crystals sells for  aud10 for a strand!...

i did however bought some beads that i have not seen in KL...but didnt get much just some. What i did splurge on was on some "novelty" patterned tools that i have been eyeing for quite some time. They are VERY expensive...but i consider them as  my own treat :) One interesting tool however that i have not seen yet back home is the concave plier. Will need to do more research on this as to whether its new or why its not available back home.

The bulk of my purchases are on kits. I am also an avid needlecrafter and its definitely HEAVEN! wish i can get more...but space and baggage weight is a great big concern right now. 

I miss home and i miss my work routine and i miss the craft workshops. Can't wait to get back home and organise new craft workshops :)

This trip has truly been an inspiring one and i am loaded with ideas....but probably with too much DORY fish n chips here...i might just forget what they were! hahaha

Till then...have a great weekend ahead 




These are just some of what i got at the craft expo,

                               silk yarn                                         ribbon yarn

pliers and 16 gauge Artistic wire

mini needlecraft kits

beading mat

knitting kits

calico shopping bags (i am a collector)

concave pliers, very easy to make perfect loops of various sizes
well at least that is what's said, i havent tried it yet :)

mat salleh version of kumihimo...but this one is much simpler and for larger size media such as fabric, ribbons, leather

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Copper Sandstone 2 Ring - Sold

my last delivery before i go off my break happens to be another first for me :)
My first delivery to Brooklyn Hall, Minnesota :)