Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Customization n repair work

Here is my most recent customization work that
is allowed to be posted in my blog. [i do have 
customers that request i do not post my 
customization for them, i respect their requests].

part of my service is to do customization. A customer 
will send her beads to me via courier and she 
will give either a detailed instruction as how she 
visualizes the kind of wirework jewelry or leave 
it all to me with simple instructions like..."i like it
 elaborate" or "keep the wirework simple but at 
the same time you know its wirework jewelry". 
This is a tad more difficult and by the end of the 
day you will feel like a celebrity with my interviews...hahaha

anyway, i prefer a detailed instruction with pics 
or images you have seen and i will review the 
request. if  i can do it, i will do it. if i can not,
i will tell you why :)

this is part of the service. repairwork for a loose 
string bracelet. i wirework the whole thing back 
without changing the design.

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