This posting is dedicated to aisyah. She loves art very much and very passionate about her craft. As my apprentice, part of her task is to re-construct my jewelry designs using pictorials i created as her guide. To know whether my pictorials worked or need more detailed instructions,she will test it for me. if its an effective tool, she need not ask me anything but if she needs more information then i know that the pictorial has some flaws.

I encourage every student of mine to be creative in their own way. No doubt getting ideas from beading mags, books and tutorials can help but coming up with something new is always a challenge.
One method i taught aisyah is to start something with an open mind and heart. To get ideas thru this way is very difficult but once you get the will just flow from your heart and into your work.
To come up with an original work sometimes can finish up to one full spool of wire...but as we all know to succeed, you must first fail. With all the techniques and patterns we are so familiar with, apply some of these but make it your own.
The bracelet below is designed and crafted 100% by Aisyah. With no reference, she twisted the wires and added the beads as how she feels would look right to her eyes. No doubt its a tad rough, but with some polishing, she can be very shiny in this craft :) After all, aisyah is only 15...and she has a long way to go.
well done!

an original design by SNA
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