first and foremost, "Selamat menyambut Awal Muharam" and may all of us start the new calendar year with prayers to Allah swt for good health physical and spiritual and prosperity always, amin.
On my trip, met evelyn and her beautiful kids Rowena and Rosanna and evelyn's sister Bibianna. We had a wirework session and Rowena proved to be a very very talented kid and wire working just comes naturally! Seeing Rowena's interest in freeform designs, i showed her how to create her own designs and just let it all flow out from the head and heart :)

I also bought some really beautiful sea water cultured pearls and fresh water pearls. Really enjoyed the pearl shopping trip and i also found some very nice pink, blue and purple agates , probably dyed but very nice colors :)
i will be posting pictures soon...not in these few days though coz i have to complete several orders and prepare for a class this saturday. as soon as everything is settled will do it asap .
i can't wait to start crafting again!
till then, take care :)
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