Monday, March 8, 2010

Nescafe Tarik

hi everyone!

yesterday afternoon had a lovely casual class with jessica. I love craft classes like these because it allows us to exchange ideas and work on something at the same time. As i was telling her about a location of a shop somewhere in SS22....suddenly i felt this huge yearning for FATTY CRABS! 
Later that evening we did go there for dinner....hehehehe 
The food never fail to satisfy and i always end up over eating. Today feeling GUILTY as always after a very big satisfying meal, made me feel a tad down and sleeeeeeeepy :)
So hoping to PERK me up a bit coz need to finish the workload, am having this new thingy by nescafe called NESCAFE TARIK and its absolutely wow!
am still sleepy BUT when you gotta gotta work! :)

also, i received a TOTALLY unexpected package from sarawak today and me who loves lovely surprises (*smiling ear to ear), would like to thank YOU my generous friend. 
Its a great feeling to know,
 that someone somewhere out there, 
who shares the same blue sky,
 is thinking of me too as i do her, 
*HUGS :)

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