Thursday, August 19, 2010

Thank you! :)

I would like to say thank you to Ani of
for letting me know about this review if not i will never know about it!
I really appreciate reviews no matter how small and to frens who take the trouble to let me know about it :) thanks ANI! *muaaahhh

To this review blog,

Thank you very much for the review on your blog.
I am glad you picked the rings for your turquoise review article because of its simplicity beauty.

To read more about the TURQUOISE ACCESSORIES article, please go to this link:


  1. awww. your welcome! love your wirework jewelry. its good that you are doing what you do! :)

    ps: im thinking of doing weekend tutorials articles.. so if you have anything to share, pls do tell me ya.

    much love,
    mickey of artsy fartsy

  2. hi!

    that is good to know coz i got some tutorials to share. thanks!


