Tuesday, October 19, 2010

a breather....and updates!

Hi everyone!

how's it been? I know ....i know....everyone is busy...... preparations for Deepavali, EID and soon busy making christmas gifts....school holidays...end of year activities.....coming new year...... :))))

well, am busy too and having fun as well.....fulfilling commisions (still more to do!)...conducting workshops, doing marketing, research , writing and more!

As i manage to find some breather space in between everything else, i finally get to reply to an interview that was asked by an author of several books who is compiling jewelry artists worldwide and featured in her WIREWORKERS GUILD BLOG

you can view the interview HERE

I felt so bad that it took me ages just to find some time to answer the questions and its published almost soon after...
I would like to thank Ms. Linda Jones for taking the time to browse thru my website and giving me the opportunity to showcase some of my work in her blog.
We share similar ideas when it comes to sharing jewelrymaking knowledge and wouldn't it be great if perhaps one day i get to meet ms. Linda Jones in person!

Sometimes when i reflect back on my wireworking journey, i understand so much the idea behind having a positive vision. The dream never stops. It just gets better and better....and  slowly i see them happening. Started with dreaming about  having a website...then selling online....then workshops..and now acknowledged by a renowned author and another by a celebrity supermodel!

I have to say that it is all defnitely achieved with the prayers and good thoughts of my family, friends and fellow crafters. 
I see my dreams slowly materialise and taking shape.
Even if i am already "there".....i just dream on further and perhaps the ultimate dream may happen.....and what is that? ;) 
i promise you...when that dream turns into reality i WILL tell you!

take care everyone and *HUGSSSSSSSS


p/s   Dear God, i thank you for all your blessings and may others share the same blessings you have given me.. amin


  1. I just stumbled onto your blog and I must say I'm so glad I did. You are truely talented Mastura. Your work is mind-bogglingly beautiful :)

    Congratulations and may I say...am proud of you!

    Michelle B.

  2. thank you michelle :)

    your words are very encouraging and i do need them to help me move forward and continuously challenging my own self to improve on my work and skills :))
