Thursday, January 20, 2011


Hi everyone!

I have been practicing the NO PHONE ZONE for quite sometime now. 
My pledge earlier on is not to text while driving and now its zero phone use.

i am trying to get everyone to not use the phone while driving especially my husband and although he still can't committ to the no phone zone, he has however now practiced  handsfree usage.

I take this seriously because i myself a victim of a texting driver.
In 2004, while stuck in traffic, my car was hit by a driver who was texting. The driver accidently hit the accelerator pedal instead of the brakes and the impact was hard. i was lucky i wasn't seriously injured apart from some whiplash and body aches the next day (from seat belt restraints).

So please take this seriously. Somebody could get killed. It is just as dangerous as a drunk driver. You think you are in control but you are not. 
Split second you can change another person's life and future.

Your decision to take the "no phone zone"  pledge seriously can make the difference.
Please help share this and spread it around our community.

Thank you.


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