Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Working with the Dai Community

Hi everyone!

It’s been awhile since I rambled. I have been working overtime to stock up on my items for my big plans this year. 
On top of that, I have been working with the Dai Community to help the women develop jewelry making skills with the hope that it will help them to earn some income for their community.
For this, I am grateful to Elevyn-Unhcr when they gave me their support and confidence to undertake this project. 
I am not going to talk too much about this but what I really want to do is share with everyone the results of their (women of Dai community) hard work.

I design all the items here but 100% crafted by the women of Dai Community. None of these items will be available on my blog but the items below will be available at this site soon.

Once the site is up and running and items available for sale I will give a big shout out to everyone :))

So here I present to you, some of the items (there are more!) did by the women of the Dai Community:


  1. Hi Mas.. wow! every handiworks looks so fine & beautiful. Love 'em.

  2. Thank you! On behalf of the women who crafted them :))

