Monday, January 23, 2012


HI everyone :)

It has been a while since I wrote anything other than craft related. I just reached home after a short break to Kuala Trengganu and even though short but it was truly the most relaxing time. Best to describe the mood there would be LAZZZZZZZY :)
Yup that is exactly how it was lazing around by the house, by the ..Laze and fly kite! The weather was sunny and  windy and was perfect weather! Watch the video!

It was there that I felt something I have long forgotten. Calmness with no worries. A kind of happiness with nothing weighing on your shoulders. 

I have been slowing down my pace for the past few weeks just before new year. Some setbacks and incidents  made me realised that its time to take a pause and and analyse back my priorities. I love crafting, I love teaching, I love exploring new things BUT there is only so much I can do at one time. 

When I began wire jewellery craft in late December 2008, it was learning, learning and more learning and I was practicing the craft day and night. I love every minute of it.  I started to share my knowledge that I self taught and at the same time working on tutorials and fulfilling orders and the workload just build and build up to the point that it became to feel like a chore! There was no longer any joy. 

It is now 2012 and I asked myself, how did this happen? From something that is supposedly to be part time has taken MOST of my time. I have worked so hard to build my foundation that I have forgotten to take time out to really "play" and it was  lazing by the beach in Trengganu while doing macrame  that  I felt back the joy of crafting that was missing :)

Anyway, doesn't mean I am packing my bags and leave this no no. That will not happen. I love this wire jewellery craft too much. Now I am writing a new chapter. I am ready to take it to another level. Time to do "exploring" again and new tutorials! Yes, that is my direction this year. I love to teach the craft more now than ever and that is going to be my main priority this year :)

Before signing off, here is sharing something that kept me busy and happy.
I have been a bit on the quiet side for the past few weeks because I was indulging myself into MACRAME. I watched my mother do macrame plant hangers when I was about 7 years old and I was intrigued. Imagine making wonderful beautiful things from a ball of string. Just like making beautiful wonderful things from a spool of wire. The possibilities are endless! 
I made these bracelets by the beach and I just cant stop making them!

There will be more coming so stay tune! :)


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