Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Media and bazaarssss!

Salam and a very Good morning to everyone!

It really has been a while since i updated my blog. I am really living it...LIFE. I have not been in "touch" with my lappy......and can actually blow of dust at the top cover! WEll perhaps my ipad has a lot to do with it and i have been updating my FACEBOOK PAGE but to blog, i prefer to do it from my laptop.


If you have been reading newsfeed on my FB page you know a lot has been going. 
This year i been more enthusiastic with doing bazaars ever since a dear fren from Yaz Yaz's Creation invited me to tag along with her to the bazaars she joined in. 
So starting the year of 2013, 4th February
we opened a booth at Wisma Selangor Dredging.

Then, on 23rd February we opened a booth at MOMENTO CAFE.

MOMENTO CAFE has also invited participants to display our items at their cafe and if you would like to view and purchase some of my wire jewelry items, you can do so at 

AND on 13th of March, i did my FIRST solo bazaar at FITA ART MARKET!

Up to now, its 3 bazaars for the year... and hope more to come :)

Now lets talk about media coverage. Remember i did the TV programme shoot I-CIPTA BIZ? well its finally shown on TV ASTRO 180i. When they informed me it was about two weeks too late and the episode featuring WHIMSICALNQUIRKY, already aired on ASTRO. However not to be disappointed, i will get the DVD copy soon and will share it here on my blog plus i am sure there will be repeats on ASTRO channel channel 180 TVi

I have another news too. I dont know whether it is already out, but i did a photoshoot with MAJALAH SERI DEWI KELUARGA for their DIY craft segment for two issues. chances are the first one will be for the MAY 2013 issue and the other probably in a much later issue.

ok that is about it...and that's a wrap!

till then will be blogging again soon with my new latest craze!



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