Tuesday, January 3, 2017


DID this video shoot for RTM a few years back. Thought of sharing it again for some inspiration.
Its a simple DIY tutorial basic on how to start rock painting. Mums and dads, kindy teachers, school teachers can use this a s a basic guide for you to start a simple but fun activity with your kids. they will love it!
you will need:

1. rocks - can purchase at your local garden shop. look for white large rocks and a bag will cost you around RM11. wash them first from the dust.
2. acrylic paint - you can purchase them from POPULAR book store or CRAFT HEAVEN or ARTFRIEND or just about anywhere else that sells art supplies. a tube will cost from RM8 but if you purchase from POPULAR, you can get small jars of many colors for about the same price.
3. paint brushes - please get few tip sizes from large to fine tip.
4. mod podge - to glaze on top a s a finishing touch.
5. black sharpie - after the glaze has dried up, then you can define your art with black sharpie.

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