Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Love,Patience,Gratitude - WORLD PEACE

"flushes and heals heart blocks (loss, hurt, guilt, fear...) for allowingness, flexibility, self-forgiveness, peace of heart, patience. Keeps one in light, love, and healing daily. "

Chrysocolla is a very soft stone that comes in a beautiful bluish-green color. Many people call Chrysocolla the "Peace Crystal" because of it's calming and soothing powers.

Metaphysical Properties

Chrysocolla is a stone of peace and tranquility. Chrysocolla is said to use its abilities gradually, allowing your body and mind to heal in a serene piece of mind.

In some Native American cultures, this earth-like stone was used to strengthen the body’s immune system and calm a person when he or she was upset.

Other Properties of Chrysocolla include:

  • Promotes level headedness and clear thinking
taken fron : Beadage. To go there, click HERE.

When i started work on this bracelet, i have no idea what i want to name it. All i know is that because the stone is already beautiful and rich in color, i dont want to spoil or distract its beauty with more beads. Then as i upload the pics and watermarking it, i have no idea what to call it. Then i googled and discovered the beautiful healing properties of this stone and was very surprise. That is when i took a pause and reflect back and thought about all the hurt and pain, how self-forgiveness plays a role when you need to move forward. I also thought about how we need to be more flexible with ourselves and the people around us.

I have a special needs child and raising him has taught me a lot about how important unconditional love is, how patience plays a HUGE role in my life and how gratitude keeps me grounded.

And it just came to me, i should give each bead a name and i smiled as i typed LOVE, PATIENCE, GRATITUDE.

constructed using non-tarnish brass Artistic Wire, Chrysocolla stones.

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