Saturday, October 31, 2009

SeaShells Charm Bracelet - sold

Constructed using nt brass Artistic Wire, seashell beads,glass crystal.

Price: Rm95
[inclusive of shipping and handling, gift box]

for rest of world,
Price: USD45
[inclusive of shipping and handling, gift box]


  1. This is somethin to share from Marina Mc:

    Mastura, I try to input comments on your Blog about Shell Coin Bracelet, your comments not working, so I m writing here.
    I m deeply believing in combination of stones and other materials, so incase its interesting for you I wanna tell about your Coin Shell Bracelet. It is very good that you hang plain natural shell coins onto plain natural chain, "as it". Why…Metal chain represent Metal-natural earth element, Shell represent sea/water, also natural earth element. And because Shell is Round and White, it is represent Money. If combine Natural Metal + Natural White Shell + Round Shape (especially if hanging like dangle) = "Money Flowing IN Bracelet"! In other words owner of this bracelet will be getting more money just by wearing this bracelet. And if wearing 2 like these identical bracelets (one left hand, one right) it is going to be even better. To make it work even more, owner should combine Cotton/Linen clothes in light (white is the best) colors with this bracelet :)))

  2. Hi,

    I love this one of your very much.
    But could the price is open for negotiation?

  3. hi there!

    this is a lovely piece. The price is already inclusive of shipping and handling. if you would like to purchase this piece, please email me at

    i will se what's the best i can do for you ya :)

    thank you for the enquiry :))

