Sunday, May 16, 2010

I needed the "push" to change

Hi everyone!

It was great crafting session yesterday as all the other crafting sessions. The difference yesterday was that, it was made known to me that two of the crafters came from Johor, and one of them arrived on saturday morning by bus and left heading back home the same night! 
I felt so touched by this passionate crafter because of the effort she put in. I think that is amazing :)
Thank you dear for joining in the craft session with us.

Another interesting fact, i had a second guy......hey i saw that! your eyebrow raised...hahaha
what i am trying to say is that i had second guy crafter who joined in the session and i have to say he is a natural too!....just as the first one.
So i hope many many more guys out there who loves crafting, come on and join in the craft sessions.

Recently i "visited" another passionate crafter whom i have never met but sound interesting enough just thru her website and emails. Its been a while and her website has changed! Its so lovely and i like it very much. As i scrolled down, she shared with her readers on how she did her blog "makeover" and my fingers already itching to change the look of my own blog. I have been wanting to change the look of my own blog for so long, but i am so over whlemed with orders and tutorial projects and  time is too precious to be wasted on learning how to do blog makeovers.

I want to say thank you to  Beadingpassion by Katrina Gumal for sort of giving me the push to give it a try and it was EASY!
so here i am passing forward the same knowledge to other bloggers who haven't tried this yet.
If you are thinking for a blog makeover then
check out Blogger Template Designer on Blogger in Draft HERE

Now, i have broken down my blog into 3 categories,

ready to wear handcrafted wire jewelries and customised jewelries

2. In2wirecraft Jewelry Making Tutorials
jewelry making tutorials, tips and knowledge sharing

3. In2wirecraft Jewelry Making Workshops
craft session schedule, craft projects and activities

No worries...You don't have to make any changes to your bookmarks....hehehe
i have linked each blog to and this will always be the main website. The only difference is that, i will no longer be posting everything under whimsicalnquirky. 
I am in mids of de-cluterring whimsicalnquirky's site.
So for example, if you want to know what's going on with in2wire's craft activities then you click on the tab that says IN2WIRE CRAFT WORKSHOP ACTIVITIES and it will take you to the new site . All students projects and pics will be posted there and no longer under whimsicalnquirky.

Hopefully with the new look and color will help to brighten up your day when you visit my site and leave you happy and bursting with new ideas and designs for your own craft projects.

Have a wonderful week ahead!




  1. I love this template too as much as I love the previous one. Well this one is sirene. Love it.

    I've signed up for 29th May class :) Despite you have the tutorial online, still not the same if I attend your class.


  2. hi ani!

    thanks :) i love the color.

    That is great news. looking forward to see you again. I love the company and would be my pleasure to assist you to the best of my ability during craft session :)



  3. Hi M
    Love this new one. Gives one this peaceful and calm feeling. Obviously you've ironed out "that -ve bug" out huh. Good for you...

  4. Your blog is beautiful!Following from Friday Follow. Have a great week! :)
