Sunday, September 26, 2010

Metalsmithing 101 Workshop

Today i attended my first metalsmithing class! was FABULOUS!
conducted by wireart and metalsmithing instructor EMI KAZ together with the generous help and collaboration from steve wong of, we had a super duper exciting moment.

We began with theory, questions and answers and finally the much awaited PRACTICAL project.

We were given options to either follow Emi's suggested design to start with or we could design something that we like but everybody ended doing the same thing...hahaha
we did the "heart" frame and each one of us played around with "spiral" filigree to create our own one of a kind design.

Thank you to Emi and steve and for making learning metalsmithing possible for at a very affordable price of RM99
I enjoyed the class and techniques learned are as good additions to my jewelry making knowledge and basic tools required for metalsmithing  are simple enough for anyone to use.
Highly recommended!


the processes involved:
1.measure & cut
2. annealing then cool in water
3. straighten wire and shape frame
5.solder frame
6.pickling then into water
7.cut filigree
8.hammer frame,filigree and positioning
9.flux,solder,pickling again 
(toughest for everyone coz more to solder and this is where all of us sort of struggled to get it right...took me five errors to get everything right ...hehehe )
10.sanding 1 & 2
11.polish with polisher
12.wash with soap and water

my "LOVING HEART" project made today :)

After all that, we also learned how to do "balling"

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Turquoise Bloom Lariat Handcrafted Necklace


material: gunmetal color copper Artistic Wire, dyed turquoise beads, rice glass crystal and natural turquoise stone and natural turquoise mini nuggets.

Handmade Jewelry price: RM180
inclusive of delivery/shipping and handling

Seagreen Baby Dragonfly 2 Brooch - customised order


A quick update for everyone :)

at present i dont have a fix schedule yet but i am opening my workshops begining every saturday from OCTOBER 2nd 2010 until NOVEMBER 27th 2010

oct 2nd (craft 1and craft 2) FULL
oct 9th (craft 1)
oct 16th (craft 2 )
oct17th (craft 2)
oct 23rd (craft 3)
oct 30th (craft 4)

nov 6th (craft 5)
nov 13th ( craft 6 )
nov 20th ( craft 7, knitting with beads and wire)
nov 27th (craft 7, knitting with beads and wire)

time: 2.30pm
venue: shop, wangsa maju

i am making myself available on these dates for anyone  who would like to start their own fabulous journey of wirework jewelry making  
to enhanced their wireworking skill and techniques and together we can share ideas during the workshops.
Crafting together is always more fun :)

To join the workshops please,
Email me at:
let me know the dates you are interested to attend and 
which craft workshop projects you would like to do. 
Upon receiving your email i will then give you more details on how to secure the workshop booking.

So come and join my craft workshop sessions and together we polish our skills to be better wireworkers!


p/s 1.for crafters who has already attended beginners class and any one of the intermediate, you can attend other craft workshops for RM110

2. for crafters who signed up for all 7 craft workshops, craft 7 is complimentary (terms and conditions apply)