Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The latest collection

Hi everyone :)

the latest job's done and i am starting on a new project soon. I always say, ok...after this project i will take a break...and i really count my blessings when he didnt give them all to me at one go...but one at a time. HE is the best "manager" anyone can hope for!
 Thank you God :)

I rarely divulge who my customers are with the intention to protect their privacy and identity but the recent buyer who gave me the task to produce a whole new collection is the most loveliest and humble celebrity supermodel i have met (not that i know that many but i have met some). I would love to say who she is but i think suffice to say she is launching a newer range of her resort wear collection.
(In case you are wondering whether she requested to be anonymous...the answer is NO. She didn't indicate that it should be a "hush hush" thing. She is just too lovely and i treat her the same as all my other clients right to privacy.)

I wished i could produce more for her but time is so limited and i was already working double shifts with few hours of sleep in between for the last 48hours. I enjoyed the task though and the challenge to come up with new ideas with limited time was fabulous! Its kinda like a computer game and am i glad i love playing with strategy and time management games :)) They are sure gud practice for me when required to work under pressure and multitasking.

anyways...after this posting i will be posting the collection and also customised orders by others who are   so kind and gracious and just lovely when they say
 "its ok...you go ahead fullfill the buyer's order...you are doing great and i am so happy for you." 

i feel so blessed....thank God and thank you :)


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