Thursday, April 30, 2009

silver wings

As the story goes.....for days i have been trying to design a butterfly motive bracelet but somehow all my sketches don't seem right. i can not get the right feel to it and could not even decide on the color. very frustrating. then today, i received a LOVELY surprise from my kids, a beautiful silver butterfly pendant from Tiffany & co. as a mother's day gift. they purposely gave it earlier coz they knew it will not be a surprise if its really on mother's day AND that is what they really want to see, my mouth wide opened and my eyes bulged!!....and they knew how i love butterflies and how frustrated i looked not able to complete the butterfly the pendant is really a very thoughtful and loving gift.

immediately upon reaching home from dinner, i was so inspired that i ...did it! the idea just flowed in and here is the result of my design "silver wings". sticking to simplicity and pureness, i decided to use silver crystal with a hint of opal blue.

to my kids and my darling partner........XOX

the modified version, take note of the extra jumpring between the "antenae" and top wing.

the story behind this creation,

constructed using  non-tarnish silver  [copper] artistic wire and combination of swarovski crystal  AB  and swarovski pacific opal.

If you like this design, please email me for more details.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

lilac anti[que]k

anti[que]k copper

the Anti[que]k

d' Anti[que]k is a 3 piece bangle created to be worn together. The uniqueness of this creation is the charm. The charm is created using wirework method. The whole set is made out of czech "antique colors" fire polish glass. The beads are no longer available and i have created and sold 3 sets of these. One set, i kept for myself because the colors are really really gorgeous vintage. The other two sets, didn't even made it into my camera coz it was sold immediately after i made it.

Anyway, i am planning a set of these again. coming soon but with a whole different color concept. 

Sunday, April 26, 2009

turquoise bug earrings

THe story behind this creation,

using 20 gauge non-tarnish brass and turquoise faceted beads and tiny green aventurine beads, and applying the jig method i created this "bug"!


more memories...from kt with love

the coiled heart

went back to trengganu to visit the factory. was very hot there and stayed indoors most of the time. brought my "toolbox" along :) wanted to experiment more with the coil tool and did this heart thingy. also spent most of the time doing a charm bracelet out of bits and pieces of "experiment" left overs and it turned out more interesting than i thought it would.

the work on the heart is still quite rough. hoping that it would turn out better but my skin is peeling of my dry fingers and it hurts a little bit to twist the wires. oh well, can always do another one when my fingers dont hurt too much. other than the two projects, i also did more bracelets using the memory wire coz its easy and my fingers do need a break from twisting wires and completed a pair of earrings to go with my turquoise bug bracelet.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

birds nest

hi people!...its a beautiful day today...sunny...but not so hot and very windy.

today while rummaging thru my beads...found some leftover fresh water pearls. there were only a few and not enough to make a pair of earrings to go with "dainty & the beast" pendant. so decided to make a ring and walla! version of the "birds nest". feeling very quirky today... :)

Monday, April 20, 2009

gunmetal charm

someone close loved my aventurine spirally double layered bracelet and she requested i made one for her exactly the same double layered style using gunmetal wire with metal charms.

the story behind this ,

constructed using  gunmetal (copper) Artistic wire and antique-silver pewter charms. A very tedious charm bracelet to make because its a double strand bracelet and each spiral handcrafted using wirework method. This bracelet can also double as a choker.

I can repeat this style but the charms will probably be different.

Price: MYR 55

(note: prices excluding shipping)

dainty and the beast

my FIRST using the coil. just got it today from steve. thank you for helping me making the choice between the artistic wire writer and this simple coil tool. it was so easy to use. decided to make a small pendant with some pearls. i called it "dainty and the beast" because the pearls are so beautiful but the combination of gunmetal wire and natural copper with the "horn" like pendant holder just reminds me of the bull!

the tree

green and brown.....

Sunday, April 19, 2009

circles of life

crystal blue

turquoise butterfly

mix n match

spirally pearl

This is my own personal collection. The first few jewelry i made for myself. Its a two piece necklace of different lengths, 28" and 24". Each spirals and jump rings handcrafted using non-tarnish silver artistic wire and fresh water pearls.

u-turn bracelet

turquoise bug

busy blue day necklace

little spirally tourmaline necklace

pink butterfly earring

swarovski crystal pendant