Saturday, April 18, 2009


from urban dictionary

1. Free and Easy; Not Structured. A good way to call someone funny or crazy.

Determined by, arising from, or marked by whim or caprice.
Erratic in behavior or degree of unpredictability: a whimsical personality.
[From WHIMSY.]

whimsically whim'si·cal·ly adv.

Thesaurus: whimsical


Determined or marked by whim or caprice rather than reason: arbitrary, capricious. See surprise/expect.
Following no predictable pattern: capricious, changeable, erratic, fantastic, fantastical, fickle, freakish, inconsistent, inconstant, mercurial, temperamental, ticklish, uncertain, unpredictable, unstable, unsteady, variable, volatile. See change/persist, continue/stop/pause.
Appealing to fancy: fanciful, fancy, fantastic, fantastical, imaginative. See plain/fancy.

Antonyms: whimsical

Definition: playful, fanciful
Antonyms: behaving, reasonable, sensible

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