Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Thank you...

wow! i received so many encouragements from frens and family to set up shop. Not that i dont want to, but i just dont know how to put value to my work, time, idea development, blood (literally at first with sharp wires poking my poor 'lil fingers), sweat , tears, effort, love and passion that i pour into each piece. So i have been thinking and thinking...and more thinking...and thought, why not?

so, if all goes well i will try to setup an online shop with some help from my beloved partner and i hope others can help and pour ideas into how i can do it. i already found a free website that i can setup shop. since i am still new at it i hope others who has more experience and read this posting, will help me. If you can share with me your experience, please email me your thoughts at :

perhaps i can repay your kindness...with a bangle? *wink :)

lastly, my blog is still under construction but i have decided to just let it stay "open" instead of closing it while i set up "shop". there will be hiccups and coughs and the occasional "drama queen" moments, so please bear with me and know that "patience is a virtue" :)

have a lovely day!


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