Thursday, September 24, 2009

Holiday is over...back to crafting!

hi frens,

i MISS i went to visit all my favourite places to see whats new and before i start on new projects i PLEDGE to finish 4 more orders i have in hand that was given some flexibility to me to undertake once i have settled. BUT before i start on my PLEDGE (hehehe...bit funny to me to do this first before that and before that to do something else first....i am NUTS!] i will need to organize the "chaos" i have created since Ramadan. Need to do some spring cleaning. i give myself a day to do that and then i will fulfill my pledge :)))

i see that its almost 10 days since i posted anything and tot will have tons of pics to post but luck has definitely been on my side of late, Alhamdulillah, because on the last day of the bazaar, the crowd was incredibly "generous" with me. THANK YOU :))

hope everyone's holiday break and raya celebration was as superb as mine.

take care n ....tata :))


p/s after the 4 orders, look out for new ones.....clue , they r pink, they r grey....gorgeous combo

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