Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Its a Blessing

dearest everyone,

with all your good wishes and prayers and with God's Blessings has lead an agency towards my way. The agency approached me out of the many they have probably "googled" or perhaps there is an unknown thoughtful person that has lead them towards me. thank you.

Beginning today till end of October, i will not be taking anymore orders to fulfill a committment i made today. As for the IN2WIRE CRAFT wirework classes that i have arranged earlier, i am sorry but i have to cancel them all for now.

I received many enquiries with regards to customized order and i am so so so sorry that i am unable to take your orders. I have your email addresses and i will contact you with regards to all your enquiries as soon as i have fulfill this project that i am undertaking now.

i will still be checking my emails everyday, so no worries with regards about other enquiries like where to get some wirework material and other questions . Will be happy to answer any questions :) the best that i can.

Thank you very much for all the support, kind words, good wishes and compliments with regards to my work. I sincerely appreciate it *hugs :)

take care and tata :)



  1. Dear M,
    All the best to you. Tell us more on the project that you are working on ya...We would always love to hear updated from you from time to time. :)

  2. hi witch!

    thank you....

    once everything is in order, i will write more about this project. its a new challenge to undertake after the ramadan bazaar and will be announcing soon, the time and place for this event.

    *hugs :)

