Thursday, September 10, 2009


Its almost 3 weeks since we started this "crazy fabulous idea" of participating in a bazaar organized by Kelab Darul Ehsan. During this time we have become gypsy-like toting our XXXL luggages.

The experience has so far been good even though there were days when we just see the crowd pass us by as if we were invisible. Are we doing it again next year? my hubs said, down memory lane ,we will forever remember this year as the year we did that crazy thing! :)

I know the bazaar hasn't ended yet, but i have to say my prayers of thankfulness and much gratitude to my family who has been very patient and very supportive:

1. My husband, who helped to do the laundry, and more laundry and more laundry while i was busy twisting and cutting wires, who is kind enough not to say anything even when he hears "hammering" sounds in his dream when in fact they are REAL sounds coz i was indeed hammering at 2,3 4 am! , who helped to transport our XXXL luggage and jewelry frame board, who stayed with us to help man the booth even though convinced that he is scaring potential customers because of his "large" presence. The list goes on...... you did too much babe n love you for it! :)

2. My MIL, whom i hope enjoys the "company" of our crazy kids. She also takes care of the kids during break of fast. HOW can we ever repay that ?! MUM *hugs

3. My MUM, who is my #1 customer!.....*hugs

4. My SIL, who encourages us to "terjun jer dulu". Thank you for your patience too, $upport and help in promoting W&Q.

5. My Sisters n BIL, oh yes! very $uportive....thanks! :)

6. My kids, nieces and nephew. Thank you for your help carrying everything, thank you for not grumbling, thank you for not complaining, thank you for having the most fun! running around the club and i hope you all enjoy this crazy experience :)

i think that is about it! :))))

xox :)


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