Friday, April 30, 2010



its labour day today and everyone is off on a break...but some of us like yours truly, is not on a break. Many of you supermoms and supergirls out there working 5 days a week and only on saturdays you have the opportunity to catch on with your hobbies and stuff.

I will be having my first class today for the month of may and also the first one for craft 3 project that i am going to introduce today.

This craft 3 project is also the first tutorial that i submitted to JEWELRYLESSONS.COM  and hopefully will be the first of many more to come.

if you are not able to attend  my classes, you can purchase the tutorials online and if you face any difficulties with the tutorials, please do not hesitate at all to contact me at: 

till then, have a good labour day weekend break and tata! :)


Monday, April 26, 2010

Red Heart Lace Brooch - sold

an original design by M

crafted wth silver plated copper Artistic wire , glass crystals and garnet gemstones.

Price: RM60
inclusive of shipping and handling

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Blue Lagoon Ring

design by borneoqueen, crafted by M

I treated myself to this beautiful color faceted stone  recently on our holiday trip to Kelantan. I aways wanted to do the prong setting and finally today, i spaced sometime for myself tonight to craft out this ring :)
Dear gentle readers who are still waiting for your pieces, please forgive me for this "time out" session , but i am just itching to do this ... and for me to concentrate better on your orders i need to get this out of my head....hehehehe

ok now its done....back to work!



Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Hurry hurry love :)

HI everyone!

just a gentle reminder that my wire wrapping mobile charm give away with ANY order is going to be over soon by end of April....its a month long give away for the whole month of April as a mark of whimsicalnquirky's FIRST blog anniversary...
it wasnt a shout out actually when i started the give away BUT i think many have received their "surprised" gifts along with their orders.
I love giving surprises but then i have made some "oops" slip ups when i mentioned it in some blog entries....hehehehe

anyway, i hope you like them when you received it and if your mobile already has that special "charm" can always hang it at your make-up bags zippers or handbag zippers as what i did with mine....

till then, have a great day and Smile always :)


Rama - Rama Vintaj Pendant Necklace

what is VINTAJ? vintaj is a brand name of a company that produces natural brass embelishments and such. Its imported directly from the USA by yours truly :)

for more information about VINTAJ click HERE

Mobile Charms

NEW Heart 2010 (4) Bracelet - customised order

Monday, April 19, 2010

Its a service to you :)

Hi everyone!

Its been some incredible week i had last week and looks like it will not slow down anytime soon till june.
I have listed several classes for those who are interested to join me in my crafting workshops and as always, i will try my best to help you learn and understand the craft and importantly, enjoy crafting it.

crafting is something you do to de-stress and NOT to add more stress. If you are tired...because learning something new can be very taxing on the mind, let me know and we will take a breather. You dont have to worry about making mistakes too. When babies start to walk, they waddle and stumble few times before they get the hang of it :) and wirework crafting is just like that. some are naturals where others may need more concentration. No worries, M is here and i will help you to the best of my ability.

I am not going to say i know everything about wire craft because i am a self taught crafter myself but give me time and i will try to find the asnwer to all your questions and  together we can learn something new. you can see i have added something new,  MAGAZINES.
magazines are an inexpensive reading material for some ideas and inspirations  compared to the more expensive craft books.

I have been buying these magazines for quite a while but never thought of selling them till recently when somebody ask me about where i get my inspirations. 
So i said, many inspirations just appear but i do read a lot mainly to try not do anything that is already in the magazine :) but of course some designs are just too beautiful to ignore...right? :)

anyway, these magazines are acquired all over KL and I have incurred quite a lot in costs such as parking, toll and fuel. i need to add a little bit to the amount that i paid for them and as part of the service to source them and ship out to you to where ever you are :) 
AND as a bonus, i have decided to give away FREE wire wrapping mobile charms such as these   ,

(every order will receive different stones and different style but similar)

to every order ship out as a token of my appreciation :)

till then,



p/s these are the final magazines for this month. if the ones that you want is no longer available, pls just let me know and the next time i went sourcing for them i will make a mental note to look out for them for you :)

Beads n Button - issue October 2009 (sold)

for more information, please click HERE

price: RM25/copy
inclusive of shipping and handling.

wire wrapping mobile charm

Beads n Button - issue DECEMBER 2009 (sold)

for more information, please click HERE

Price: RM25/copy
inclusive of shipping and handling
wire wrapping mobile charm

Jewelry Designs with Art Glass Beads - special issue (sold)

Price: RM25/copy

including shipping and handling 
wire wrapping mobile charm

Beads n Button - issue February 2010, 2 copies available

for more details, click HERE

price: RM25/copy
inclusive of shipping and handling

wire wrapping mobile charm