Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Hurry hurry love :)

HI everyone!

just a gentle reminder that my wire wrapping mobile charm give away with ANY order is going to be over soon by end of April....its a month long give away for the whole month of April as a mark of whimsicalnquirky's FIRST blog anniversary...
it wasnt a shout out actually when i started the give away BUT i think many have received their "surprised" gifts along with their orders.
I love giving surprises but then i have made some "oops" slip ups when i mentioned it in some blog entries....hehehehe

anyway, i hope you like them when you received it and if your mobile already has that special "charm"....you can always hang it at your make-up bags zippers or handbag zippers as what i did with mine....

till then, have a great day and Smile always :)


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