Saturday, April 3, 2010

Free Tutorials

Hi everyone!

Its been great sun-ning myself here in Penang.  Sunlight has always been said to increase some feel good factor in all of us and i think it is right! While keeping watch over my kids playing around the pool area i kept myself busy playing with my wires! 
wow...felt so good just twiddling  and twisting the wires. I brought along with me my mixed stones bead box and its really fun! No plans, no design, no ideas. Just pick a stone and lets see what will emerge in the next hour or so :)

 while i was playing with my own goodies i thought why not just create some simple non-formal free tutorial? It shall not be something seriously pictured and numbered and edited...just something i can snap with my faithful camera phone. Its just to show how some simple wires can become interesting jewelry pieces.

So the free tutorials here are actually for those who are looking for some simple ideas and inspiration. its nothing serious but more just for fun and relaxation and some knowledge sharing.

i always wondered how other crafters go from one step to another and thought of sharing my own. If you would like to join in and post tips and your own knowledge sharing, you are most welcome!

so if you would like to know more, just drop me an email and i will add you into the circle.

till then :)



  1. nice, i support this :) i like tutorials :) thinking to do one myself? what do u think. I'd like to be in the circle

    happy 'sunning' (^_^)

  2. i think you should start something that will help you to move forward :)
    You are most welcome to join the circle. can you send me your email address so that i can add you into the invited guest list. for now its still not yet 100% looking good coz i am still adding basic tutorials. if you want to contribute, just let me know. We can link up too! :)


  3. Support 100%. I love to share and love ppl who love to share too~ hehe...

  4. thanks soo mei :)

    its one way to help other aspiring new "wireworkers" to start on their projects. wirework its really not that hard and its fun! :)

    some think that its too difficult or too much work required but really its not. so in this new blog am hoping to share some simple new projects that even young crafters can do (with adult supervision of course) :)
