Tuesday, April 6, 2010

IT's Already April!

well what do you know. its already april ( a week has passed too) and i just realised that it is already a year since i started the whimsicalnquirky blog :)

want to know how i started? 
before i started doing wirework jewelry, i am seriously crazy about needlecraft. Anything that gotta do with sharp needles, i have done it :)
i still remember those days when i used to make day trips to singapore from KL just to get dozens and dozens of yarn balls. Everytime i passed the jewelry aisle at spotlight, i would linger and thinking should i start a new hobby?...and then the colorful yarns would be screaming at me and say...."hey! look here! you are here for us..not the jewelry findings!"  ...and i would say to myself...one day, one day.
the truth was that my hubby didn't encourage me to do jewelry making because knowing of my delicate fingers' condition (eczema) he said i would suffer. 
I have never done stringing, i have never done jewelry beading and the closest beading  i have done is on baju kurung :)
and when i started to indulge myself into the subject of jewelry making in december 2008, i never looked back :)
i started a blog in April 2009 and my small online business began. I registered whimsicalnquirky.com.my in June after i see the potential that this can actually work for me :)
many are sceptical about starting an online business while my views are just the opposite. I really believe that it can work and never once i thought that it wouldn't. After my first online sale almost immediately after i set up my blog, i know that if you put your mind to it, it can happen.
believe in it.



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