Friday, April 30, 2010



its labour day today and everyone is off on a break...but some of us like yours truly, is not on a break. Many of you supermoms and supergirls out there working 5 days a week and only on saturdays you have the opportunity to catch on with your hobbies and stuff.

I will be having my first class today for the month of may and also the first one for craft 3 project that i am going to introduce today.

This craft 3 project is also the first tutorial that i submitted to JEWELRYLESSONS.COM  and hopefully will be the first of many more to come.

if you are not able to attend  my classes, you can purchase the tutorials online and if you face any difficulties with the tutorials, please do not hesitate at all to contact me at: 

till then, have a good labour day weekend break and tata! :)


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