Monday, December 27, 2010

Quiet but not idle

First and foremost praises to God Al-mighty, Allah swt.
I thank You for all the blessings that You have showered upon me.

Hi everyone!

I have been pretty quiet this past week but I can assure you i have not been idle at all. 
I have taken the time  to re-check back my blog for listings i have not updated and if you are an online seller, you would understand the time needed to do this.

Even though i still have some pending orders, i have decided to put that on hold a tad bit, with permission of course (notable thank you to Joanna! Yvonne and sandra).

So what have i been up to?
It started with a message i received weeks back by a stranger...and again recently by a dear friend who wanted to get christmas gifts but i was not able to fulfill the requests to see some of my stock coz either its already sold OR i have decided to keep them for myself and already worn them.... hehehe

Therefore i have been busy making little bit of this and that and hope to build a new and bigger collection soon. 

I have another 8 pieces that i havent posted yet, but i can only do so once its approved or not sometime in january.
Meanwhile, i shall be posting some of the pieces i have already made and available.

till then....

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