Friday, December 17, 2010

Torch n Tumble

Today i declared and "off" day for me. I spent the whole day with torch and tumble, my new BFF!

I manage to solder ALL with no mistakes! I have to admit, i was pretty nervous at first knowing my history of failed "torching" aka soldering. I tried out something new today and am pretty satisfied with the result. Perhaps may not meet my instructor's standards but knowing how terrible i am at this...i would say i did a pretty good job today! :))

I skip one process for the two pair of earrings i i dont know whether that is ok. will have to get back to my instructor on that :)

will post result pics soon.

1 comment:

  1. I am also planning to get the torch and stuff soon. I have this urge to create something.Will just concentrate on the copper first though. Harlina.
