Thursday, December 9, 2010

Silversmithing Workshop

I attended silversmithing workshop with Emi on the 21st of November. YES! i know this is a way overdue posting but i want to share with every one about the new things i learned and new skills that i am trying to "master"...hehehehe.....
i know emi...i need to go on very LONG leave from my wirework workshops and probably get few dozen cans of the refine butane before i come close to master this...hahahaha
BUT i dont  quit that easy and i am determined and hoped emi banyak sabar dengan Rimau yang dah makin tua ni :)

One thing i was amazed was when we used the THIRD HAND and later see the "magic" when we used the tumbler machine. i was so "WAAAAAHhh"  when i see the result of the tumbler machine that i immediately got myself one!

I didn't do quite well during this workshop as i did the first one probably because  i was losing concentration with my own train of thoughts with other work i still have pending then  but i did finish the project :)

Thank you Emi of EMIKAZ.BLOGSPOT.COM for the great workshop :)
If you are interested to sign up for the workshop, you can go here,

These are some step by step pictures i snap during workshop,
 the progress of my own project.

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